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It can be super overwhelming to go makeup shopping, especially if you want to craft a new look, but you're not sure where to begin.

Here are a few professional tips to help get you through!

1. Makeup Costs the Same, No Matter Where You Shop

If you have one near, go to a high-end retailer, like Saks or Neimans for makeup shopping.

high end retailers

The prices are the same no matter where you go. And, I've found the service to be better.  Plus, I typically find that there are less crowds to deal with!

Often times, you can build a relationship with the sales person and call them to ship you refills on your products.  So, if you happen to browse through one of these stores while you are on a fabulous vacation, you can still get your products when you are settled in back home! Believe me, they will be happy to have the sales, and build up customer loyalty.

2. Sample, Sample, Sample

Stila Try Me Skincare

Ask for samples, or check out low-priced sample sets from lines like, Stila Cosmetics.

I rarely buy skincare or foundation without taking home a sample first.  I have very sensitive skin, and I always want to be sure that the skincare I invest in is the best for me for a few days before buying. However, I do try to get the card of the person helping me, and give them a call to place an order if I find that it works, or I ask them for another recommendation if it doesn't.

When it comes to foundation, I like a natural look and the lights in department stores can alter the look of the foundation.  So, ask for a sample and test it for a few days.  Or grab a mirror from the counter and walk outside to check it before you buy.

Some lines release sample size skincare products, like Stila's 5 Piece Skincare Try-Me Set. This is an awesome way to try multiple products for a week or two, with minimal investment.  I've been using this one for a week, it works great and was only $20! Plus, it's perfect for my upcoming travels.

3. Set Priorities

EL Gift

Often "Gift" Days offer lots of good freebies, especially with normally pricey skincare items, so you can maximize your budget.

It helps to determine what you need before walking into the store.  I recommend splurging on an eye cream, face serum, and foundation. If you have well moisturized eyes and glowing skin, the rest is easy.

But, that said, it's good to find out when different cosmetic lines are having a gift with purchase, so that you can stock up on the products you need, AND try new ones for free. Most often, they give away pricey skincare samples, which can help you maximize your budget.

4. Ask an Expert


Julie Wardley, a professional makeup artist in Maryland, DC, VA and Delaware Beaches. Photo by Wendy Hickok Photography.

I often get inquiries on my social pages about what products to use.  A makeup artist who tests products from all lines can often steer you in the right direction.

Looking to set up your own Personal Makeup Shopping adventure?  Contact me!

Stay tuned for future blog updates on Beauty Buys: Save vs. Splurge.

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