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If your skin doesn't look good, neither will your makeup. Have fun with these simple at home facial mask recipes from Home Spa, a book I got from my dad in back in 2000.

Apple-n-Oat Scrub

The juice of apples tighten pores, while its pectin soothes skin. The oats and cornmeal work together to remove dead skin cells and improve circulation, revealing newer, livelier skin. Store in a glass or plastic container in the refrigerator.

2 TBSP Rolled Oats
1 1/2 TSP Cornmeal
1 TBSP Honey
1/2 Medium Apple (peeled, cored, cut into chunks)
In a bowl, mix oats, cornmeal and honey into a paste with a fork. Combine with apple in a food processor.

Apply mixture to face and gently scrub in circular motion. Be careful not to get too close to the eyes. Rinse with warm water and pat dry.

Super Moisture Mask:

This is especially good for dry skin. Avocado, sesame oil and lactic acid from yogurt are natural moisturizers. Store in a glass or plastic container in the refrigerator.
1 TBSP Sesame Oil
1/2 soft ripe avocado
1 TBSP yogurt

Blend in food processor. Apply in circular motion to face, careful not to get too close to eyes. Massage into face, leave on for about 5 mins, rinse with warm water and pat dry.

NOTE: Even if it's natural, that doesn't mean it's OK for all skin types.  Always test a small patch on your neck before applying all over the face.